Let me help you with

body included guidance to support your physical and mental healing journey

LEt your body to guide you

Try something new

I believe our bodies are like messengers. They're always giving us signals about how we feel, both physically and mentally. If we ignore these signals, our bodies can become our enemies. But if we pay attention to them, we can learn a lot and have a better life. Our bodies can teach us so much if we're willing to listen, feel, and learn.

Learn more about my approach

Target Specific Issues

If you are a neurospicy, dysregulated, trauma-surviving, chronic pain-fighting friend who craves for a guided kind, and gentle body-oriented healing experience —I hear you!

Schedule a session

WORK WITH Nikoletta

1:1 session

The integrative body-oriented session is the ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

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online program

Discover how you can enhance your well-being with the online program "Body Awareness and Harmony," designed for you to follow at your own pace.

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professional coaching

If you are a professional who wants comprehensive guidance and practical strategies to integrate trauma-informed care principles into your practice.

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